How to get back to the desired weight after pregnancy?

Mothers are relatively thinner during the pregnancy period than after the delivery when they begin to breastfeed. In fact, the appearance of a woman changes dramatically after childbirth. At the time of delivery, some of the kilograms that have grown during the pregnancy are lost (about 6 kilograms), but several kilograms still remain. They are mainly fatty accumulations gained during the pregnancy and which make up the body’s energy resources.

As we know, the pregnant woman’s body has a very high demand for useful substances. Even at rational feeding, mommy can not even fill it up. That’s why the kilograms  accumulated during pregnancy will gradually be spent on breastfeeding. It turns out that breastfeeding women get their appearance earlier than those that have abandoned the breastfeeding for some reason. Of course, in many cases it happens, but sometimes the woman gains more weight after childbirth, especially by combining high calorie nutrition and passive life.

The body of the feeding woman  is frequently subjected to the instinct – the child should get enough milk.

The boundaries between the full and the excessive food supplies disappear. If mother does not abuse food, she can be sure that all the kilograms accumulated during pregnancy and postpartum period will gradually disappear.

Doctors do not advise to keep a diet until you stop breastfeeding because you deprive you of all the useful ingredients needed by the baby. However, you do not need to abstain from eating, because it’s also not helpful for you as well as for your baby.

If a feeding mother eats a lot of oily foods in order to increase the fat content, it is useless, because the nature cares for the composition of milk to be optimal, so it is not necessary to resort to artificial means. The whole oil is accumulated in the waist and the arteries. In the case of more weight, the mother should just turn her diet.

Many oily foods, confectionery and sugar should be extracted from the diet. Instead of fruit juices it is better to eat fruit, they contain as many vitamins and minerals, and the calories are lower.

Feeding mother should feed regularly for 4-6 times a day, at the same time. Protein food is better to use in the first half of the day, while the milk and herbal supplements leave for dinner. Last time you need to eat 2-3 hours before bedtime. The feeding mother should have a good rest, at night she should sleep no less than 7-8 hours, and in the daytime 1-2 hours (she can sleep when the baby is sleeping).

Walking is also desirable, it would be good if any of your relatives during the first few months of childbirth will help solve the everyday household issues. If there is a desire and opportunity to spend some time in the motion, do special gymnastics, if not, do not force yourself, because the best stimulus for milk production is high mood and good health.

You will regulate your weight when the right time comes.