All mothers know that in autumn the flu and the cold are often repeated among children. However, in the autumn a number of fruits are ripening, which will help to strengthen the immune system of the child. So in autumn it is necessary to accumulate the necessary vitamins for the body and follow a number of rules to avoid the cold.
Rule 1
The mothernal milk is the best way to strengthen the immune system of the baby. So feeding so long as possible with breast milk is the best way to strengthen the immune system of the child.
Rule 2
All members of the family must follow the hygiene rules to prevent the spreading of viruses.
Rule 3
Walk a lot. It is essential to walk in any weather, except when it is strong wind or the temperature is -10 degrees below zero.
Remember that the lack of physical activities and the lack of fresh air weaken the immunity.
There is no need to dress warm while walking. Children’s heat exchange is not yet perfect, they are quickly overheated when running and then they sweat. Therefore, when wearing the baby mother should take into account the peculiarities of the baby’s organism.
Rule 4
The baby’s room needs to be ventilated every day in order to keep the air moist. Dry and non-fresh air can cause illness because such air contains inflammatory and allergenic microbes.
In addition, if the respiratory tract is dry, it is more likely that the microbes remain in the respiratory tract.
Rule 5
The baby should also be properly fed and use much fluid. It is desirable to exclude fast food and sausages from the bab’s diet. Instead, the baby needs a lot of fresh fruit and berries.
Here are some more rules to keep the child healthy.