Venolen Idrogel


  • Troxerutin 1 gr.;
  • Escin 0.75 gr.;
  • Esparinoid 0.6 gr.;
  • Glucosaminoglycans  0.6 g.

Troxerutin has venous toning, angioprotective, anti-inflammatory effect, reduces capillary permeability and fragility.

Its pharmacodynamic properties are related to the participation of troxerutin bioflavonoids in redox processes and inhibition of hyaluronidase. By suppressing hyaluronidase, troxerutin stabilizes hyaluronic acid in cell membranes and reduces their permeability. It has antioxidant activity, as a result of which it prevents the oxidation of ascorbic acids, adrenaline and lipids. In addition, it reduces capillary permeability and fragility, prevents endothelial cell membrane damage when exposed to various factors. Troxerutin increases the density of the vascular wall. Reduces exudative inflammation of the vascular wall, as well as the adhesion of platelets to its surface.

Reduces leg swelling and heaviness, reduces the intensity of pain and spasms, improves tissue trophism.

Escin inhibits the first stage of exudative inflammation, reducing the release of lysosomal enzymes, reducing the permeability of microvascular vessels. It shows high efficiency in the acute period of swelling and inflammation of soft tissues and after operations. Promotes resorption of extensive hematomas.

The venotonic effect of the drug is associated with an increase in the synthesis of PG PGF2alpha, the release of norepinephrine in neuromuscular synapses, and is also achieved due to the direct effect of Escin metabolites on the smooth muscle cells of the venous wall.

In chronic venous insufficiency, Escin prevents hypoxic damage to the endothelium of the venous wall, prevents parietal adhesion of neutrophils, and reduces pathological changes in the venous walls. With regular course treatment, Escin not only eliminates the symptoms of venous insufficiency, but also significantly reduces the progression of the disease.

Eparinoid has a pronounced antioxidant effect.

  • Reduction of oxygen free radicals and particularly hydrogen peroxide, an oxidizing element responsible for oxidative damage after a traumatic event;
  • Increased local oxygen content necessary to optimize wound healing processes such as collagen fiber deposition and subsequent wound healing.

Glucosaminoglycans, being components of the intercellular matrix, participate in intercellular interactions.


Lymphostasis (lymphedema, lymphedoma)

Lymphostasis develops when the processes of lymph formation and its outflow through capillaries and lymphatic highways from the organs and tissues of the limbs to the main lymph collectors and the thoracic duct are disturbed.

According to WHO statistics, about 10% of the world’s population suffers from lymphedema.

In the case of lymphostasis, there is continuous swelling of the limb and an increase in its volume, thickening of the subcutaneous tissue, hardening of the skin, hyperkeratosis, cracks and ulcers.

Causes of lymphostasis

The development of lymphostasis can be caused by many factors.

Violation of lymphatic circulation in tissues occurs with heart failure, kidney pathology, hypoproteinemia, when the lymphatic lines cannot cope with the outflow of lymph.

Lymphostasis can be a consequence of chronic venous insufficiency in decompensated forms of varicose veins, post-thrombophlebitic syndrome, arterial flutter. The introduction of an excess amount of tissue fluid leads to compensatory expansion of lymphatic vessels, a decrease in their tone, the development of valve insufficiency and lymphovenous insufficiency.

Etiology – Lymphedema occurs either due to hypoplasmic lymphatic vessels (primary lymphedema) or obstruction or rupture of the lymphatic vessels (secondary lymphedoma).

  • The pathogenesis of lymphedema is the insufficiency of the transport functions of the lymphatic system.
  • Lymph outflow more than 80%
  • The rate of interstitial fluid generation begins to dominate lymph return.




There are 2 types of hemorrhoids:

  • internal hemorrhoids inside the rectum;
  • external hemorrhoids under the skin around the anus.

Almost three out of four adults suffer from hemorrhoids.

Action: Water-based gel, which has a pronounced moisturizing and soothing effect, increases tissue elasticity. Its special formula provides freshness, eliminates fatigue and the feeling of heaviness in the legs.



  • Post-traumatic hematomas
  • Improves epidermal trophism;
  • Post-traumatic pain.

Warnings: For external use only.

How to use: Apply VENOLEN hydrogel to the undamaged skin, massage until absorbed from bottom to top, 2-3 times a day.

Warning: Keep out of the reach of children, in cool and dry conditions.


Manufacturer: Pharma Line LLC, address: Italy, Milan